Duty of Care is Made Difficult by Lack of Visibility into Travel Plans
The vast majority of business travelers feel their companies take duty of care seriously, yet access to various risk management services is far from universal, according to research from the GBTA Foundation, the education and research arm of the Global Business Travel Association.
Roughly one-third of German, French and UK business travelers say their organization does not provide an assistance hotline to call in an emergency or unexpected event – one of the most basic services available.
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Facial Recognition to Identify All International Passengers at Orlando Airport
Travellers arriving or departing on international flights at Orlando International Airport will soon not have to show their passports or even a boarding pass to get on their plane: scanners will identify them by their face, instead.
The Orlando Sentinel reports that the central Florida airport will be the first to use facial recognition technology to identify all international passengers. The airport is expanding a pilot programme tested in cooperation with British Airways over the past several months.
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Millennials Prefer Hotels to Airbnbs
Half of US travellers aged 20-36 regularly or occasionally stay in an Airbnb or another home-sharing accommodation, but less than one in four say it’s their preferred type of lodging, according to the 2018 Future of Millennial Travel Report.
Full-service hotels are the top choice for millennial travellers, followed by staying with family or friends, staying in all-inclusive resorts, and luxury hotel and resort stays, according to the report from Resonance Consultancy.
Even camping, cited by 33 per cent of millennials, was preferred over short-term rentals like Airbnb (23 per cent).
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