7 Subtle Ways Design Will Change How You Travel This Year
Mobility is at the center of an exciting Venn diagram. The work of designing the present and near future of how we get around—on the ground, in the air, and even in outer space—now exists at the nexus of everything from smart cities and artificial intelligence to robotics, 5G connectivity, and big data. It’s not a coincidence that carmakers like Ford and GM are remaking themselves as mobility providers at the same time that technology companies like Google, Intel, and IBM are busy working on autonomous vehicles and even urban planning. The future of mobility is being prototyped across all sorts of industries. So, what can we expect from these extraordinary interrelationships in 2019?
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Hyatt Launches Bug Bounty Program
Hyatt Hotels has launched a bug bounty program via HackerOne, seeking to reward researchers who find vulnerabilities in its sites and apps. The new initiative is designed to allow Hyatt to “tap into the vast expertise of the security research community to accelerate identifying and fixing potential vulnerabilities.”
The hotel company's chief information security officer, Benjamin Vaughn, said the aim of setting up the bug bounty program was to further Hyatt's goal of keeping guests safe.
“As one of the first global hospitality brands to launch this type of program, we extend the ways we care for our guests and deepen our commitment to protecting their sensitive information,” Vaughn said in a statement.
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A Guide to Airline Passenger Rights: What You Need to Know
With so many protracted flight delays making headlines in recent days and weeks (most notably a 33-hour delay on WestJet), it’s perhaps a good time to be sure that passengers fully understand their rights and remedies when stuck in such a situation.
Per a recent study from AirHelp, more than 90 percent of U.S. passengers do not know their rights. “The airline industry is failing passengers,” AirHelp CEO Henrik Zillmer told TravelPulse. “It’s clear that air passengers still feel powerless against airlines.”
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