In This Issue: |
FAA Loosens Rules for Electronic Devices During Flights |
The Incredible Shrinking Plane Seat |
Who Should You Tip When Traveling—And How Much? | |
FAA Loosens Rules for Electronic Devices During Flights | |
Airlines are racing to allow passengers to use portable electronic devices such as readers and games during takeoffs, landings and taxiing after the Federal Aviation Administration announced a major policy change last Thursday.
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The Incredible Shrinking Plane Seat | |
Airlines' push to lure high-paying fliers with flatbed business seats and premium economy loungers is leaving economy-class passengers with less space.
No, you're not going crazy: airline seats really are getting smaller. For airlines, the reason is simple: the lighter and smaller models cut costs and widen profits.
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Who Should You Tip When Traveling—And How Much? | |
Tipping really shouldn’t be so hard. The service was good, you leave a token of your appreciation, and everyone is happy. Not so fast. This is one of the most difficult aspects of travel to navigate, since you have to take into consideration everything from how employees are paid to cultural traditions that could have you embarrassing yourself and your waiter just by leaving that 15 percent. We consulted experts and avid travelers for their thoughts on the scenarios that trip up travelers most and got their advice on how to avoid awkward situations.
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